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With Teachers: Dennis Teston, MJ Watkins & Lucas Hall

June 19-21, 2020 in Cragsmoor, NY

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What to Expect

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Uplifting vinyasa yoga, gentle yoga classes, guided metta meditations, yoga nidra, somatic yoga, and journaling. You will leave feeling clear, relaxed and rejuvenated.


Each morning begins with breath meditations either classic vinyasa yoga or gentle yoga (depending on your preference), followed by a serene light-filled silent breakfast, you will feel the bounty of strength and contentment.

A group circle after our physical and silent mornings, brings us together balanced, invigorating and calm. After time for private reflection, writing and contemplation, we meet to discuss right effort and how to retrain the mind to produce wholesome states of being, while redirecting unwholesome thoughts that may be limiting your ability to experience joy and contentment.

In the evening, Atma Buti Tibetan sound bowls fill the meditation hall as your nights are cocooned by the relaxation technique of yoga nidra.

  • Metta Meditation internalizes good wishes for yourself and others

  • Journal Writing records personal insights and reflections as a basis for self-reflection

  • Vinyasa Yoga repeats a series of poses to increase body heat and build strength

  • Somatics are a series of slow movements that emphasize internal physical perception and experience

  • Yoga Nidra is “dynamic sleep,” allowing the body to deeply relax while the mind stays inwardly alert—the knife’s edge where the body “sleeps” while the mind is lucid.

  • Atma Buti Tibetan Sound Bowls—literally translated as soul herbal medicine—deliver the healing power of sound while you lay in a large circle in a light filled room with a large Buddha


  • Intimate setting with personal access to the teachers

  • Interactive sessions with question and answer periods

  • Vinyasa yoga, Somatic yoga and Yoga Nidra

  • Shamatha and guided meditations

  • Delicious all-vegetarian meals with locally sourced ingredients

  • Option to extend stay on Personal Retreat

  • Extensive library of dharma books

  • Expansive wooded grounds with beautiful flora and fauna


Commuter Price (not staying on premises)
Early Bird: $300 before 5/19
Regular Price: $400 after 

Private Room (Shared Bath)

Early Bird: $500 before 5/19

Regular Price: $600 after


Private Suite (Private Bath, Kitchenette & Outdoor Space)

Early Bird: $700 before 5/19
Regular Price: $800 after

Traveling to Retreat

Check in: 3pm​

Getting There Friday

Info to come

Coming Back Sunday

Info to come​


Price includes, two nights accommodation, all yoga and meditation classes, activities and food. Does not include travel. 

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Private Room (Shared Bathroom)

These airy rooms each have a double bed, desk with lamp, zafu and zabuton and plenty of space for meditation. Private baths are shared among 2-3 rooms.

​Early Bird: $500 before 5/19, $600 after

Book Here

Commuter Price (not staying on Premises)

Early Bird: $300

Regular Price $400

Book Here

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Private Suite (Private Bathroom)

In addition to the amenities of a private room, these large rooms have en suite baths, terraces or balconies, and refrigerators.

​Early Bird: $700 before 5/19, $800 after

Book Here

Cancellation Policy

 If you cancel before May 19th 50% refund. After, no refund granted unless we can fill the spot?

Sample Itinerary

(subject to change)


4PM - Welcome Ceremony & Sankalpha Writing Workshop Yoga Practice


7PM - Dinner


9PM - The Sound Experience (Yoga Nidra & Tibetan Sound Healing Ceremony) 


7:30AM - Guided Meditation & Yoga Class (silent time)

9AM - Breakfast (silent time)

10:30AM - Group circle and "writing jam"


11AM - Nature Walk/Hike or Chill Time

1PM - Lunch

3PM - Somatics Workshop (Release Muscles & Pain)

6PM - Dinner 


8:30PM - The Sound Experience (Yoga Nidra & Tibetan Sound Healing Ceremony) 


7:30 - Guided Meditation & Yoga Class (silent time)

9AM - Breakfast (silent time)


10:30AM - Closing Circle 

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About us

Dennis Teston

Teaching Style:  Challenging, hands-on, integrative, reverential

Class Type: Vinyasa

Training: RYT200 Vinyasa (Sankalpah College of Yoga); Yoga for At-Risk Populations (The Lineage Project); Power Yoga Weekend Intensive (w/Rudy Mettia at Kripalu); Power Yoga Weekend Immersion (w/Bryan Kest at Kripalu)

About: Dennis guides a challenging and fun class incorporating intelligent sequencing, hands-on adjustments, and posture modifications to ensure everyone leaves feeling successful.  He credits his own practice with the many shifts - professionally and personally - he has made in his life.  Dennis encourages students to integrate the gentle shifts that occur on their mats with the outside world. Dennis also teaches yoga through The Lineage Project, bringing awareness practices to at-risk teens and young adults.

Likes: Wine, hot and steamy New York City Summers, Trader Joe's Sea Salt & Turbinado Sugar Dark Chocolate Almonds, NCIS marathons

MJ Watkins


Teaching Style: Thoughtful, Engaged


Class Type: Pure Hatha, Tibetan Healing Bowls, Somatics, Restorative, Yoga Nidra


Training: E-RYT 300 Academy of Yoga & Meditation, India; E-RYT 200 Zuna Yoga, Indonesia, Atma Buti Certified Sound Healing, NYC; Reiki Level 2, Restorative Yoga, ISHTA, Yoga Nidra, ISHTA, NYC; Radiant Child Yoga; Level 3


About: As a partner of NY Loves Yoga, MJ listens to students speak about why they come to yoga - stress relief, relaxation, finding peace internally and health/wellness.


MJ's passion is breathe play - integrating music, patterned breathing, visualization and yoga poses. Throughout class, the respiratory system, endocrine system and muscles get juiced up from the inside out, promoting detoxing, organ massage and mental relaxation.

Lucas Hall


Teaching Style: Uplifting, Strong, Empowering, Centering


Class Type: Hatha/Vinyasa, Tibetan Healing Bowls, Small Group Fitness Training, Yoga Nidra


Training: E-RYT 200 Zuna Yoga; Yoga Nidra, ISHTA, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Atma Buti Certified Sound Healing, Reiki Level 2


About: With a lifelong passion for self-development, and the desire to help others become their best selves, Lucas took the leap and travelled to Bali, Indonesia to study the teachings of Tantra & Hatha yoga with renowned teachers Everett Newell & Katherine Girling 


Already a teacher of voice here in NYC and with a background in dance, Lucas’s skill set of body/mind conditioning and how to motivate and empower his students is one of his most enticing qualities as a yoga teacher. Lucas also volunteers at The Fountain House in Hells Kitchen, bringing yoga and meditation to mentally ill adults.


Lucas’s classes are accessible, effective and well rounded. Each class includes strong asana poses, focused breathing and guided meditation.


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